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We are committed to the following mandates:

Shiloh Baptist Church is a community church serving the people of North Central Ohio by reaching people from all walks of life.  We exist to glorify God through a passionate ministry that includes worship, instruction, fellowship, outreach and service.  We are committed to achieving the highest quality in our work while building leaders for our world and impacting the people of our region. 


We will seek to RESPOND with relevance to the needs of people with the love of Jesus Christ as a result of our devotion to God. 

We will seek to RESTORE with care to people with the hope that is in Christ as an extension of the supporting church community we experience. 

We will seek, through faith, to REPRODUCE in others the work Christ is performing in our personal and collective lives as disciples of Christ. 


We enjoy and are committed to a high level of participation in ministry by all who wish to identify with us.  It is our vision to build a congregation of people that continues to grow until we saturate our community with our message.

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